24XSecond is a bigger, tridimensional installation that includes collages and sculptures mainly realized with mixed material such as debris recuperated from buildings in ruin, plaster moldings, metal parts found in the street, old books, records, and any kind of recycled material. The installation aims to present a suspended city in the curated space, where the visual design is organized as a museum in constant change. The constant potential change of the installation and the variety of the recycled mixed media included in this collection is a symbol of the decadence of contemporary society. 24xSecond refers to the dystopic reality of everyday life. Thus, the city becomes a meteorite that wanders in a space and time determined by the anxiety of having power, which only can bring war and social and moral decline. 24xSecond talks about how human selfishness creates a painful reality in which time determines dreams and consciousness. The installation becomes the symbol of an untold history about ignorance on personal freedom.
Below a selection of artworks from this series. The collages are made out of the peeling of the walls in Havana on cardboard or fabric.